Education First
Education First provides English learning programs to customers around the world. They needed to understand how digital education resources best worked in the classroom, the office, and at home.
My engagement with Education First addressed the end-to-end customer experience; from refining targeted advertising and conversion through educational resource design and course completion. Like many online education providers, EF struggled to keep students engaged and understanding their learning progress. EF also wanted to integrate their online resources which had largely stagnated with in-classroom lessons. In short, the online component of the business needed a fresh start.
The English Town portal was designed to serve both remote and in-classroom students. The design focused on clear goal setting, progress feedback, actionable milestones, and multiple learning resource channels. Visual design by Education First.
The bulk of my work with EF explored the best strategies for gamifying educational content, designing effective student goal-setting and progress feedback, and understanding how digital resources (e.g., online lessons and live teacher tutorials) best supplemented in-class education. This work began with comprehensive user research including attending student in-take, diary studies, and observing online and classroom sessions. Understanding student pain-points led to a strategy of breaking online resources into consumable units with short-term, mid-term, and long-term goals each rewarded with badges and social recognition. This structure also lent itself to in-classroom use with live teachers reinforcing lessons with short, online exercises.
UX Strategy & Lead UX Designer @ Education First
Competitor Analysis, Customer Research, UX Strategy, User Journey Mapping, Experience Design, User Testing